Rules for using the e-resource centre
The E-resource Centre shall remain open from 9:00 a.m. on working days.
All registered members will be allowed to use the E-resource Centre.
There will be no charges for using and no charges for downloading e-materials from the E-resource Centre.
The E-resource Centre shall be used basically for research, academic purposes and as an aid-to-study.
The user may be asked to specify her/his need and their topic of research or study etc. to ensure the optimal and purposeful use of the facility.
The Library authority reserves the right to track the browsing history of each and every E-resource Centre user to keep tag on the usage pattern of the e-resources subscribed by the AIIMS, Kalyani Library.
The Library reserves the right not to allow the access to the Internet to a particular reader and the decision of the competent authority is final.
The Library reserves the right not to allow future access to the E-resource Centre in such cases which could include misuse of internet; disturbing/harassing or misbehaving with other readers etc. In such cases the decision of the competent authority is final.
Every User will be required to sign a register giving details of their search/study/research topic and websites they want to view, etc before they are allotted a computer.
Users will be allowed a maximum of 2 (two) hours time at a stretch. The Librarian will have the discretionary power to give permission for an extension of the period of usage.
Users will be allowed to access their personal e-mail only for a short while.
Use of social networking sites will not be allowed.
Users will be required to download the e-resource they want to carry away in a desktop folder and approach the assistants at the E-resource Centre who will assist them to carry away the files in their personal pen-drives. Such files may also be attached to emails of users and sent to their own names if such a procedure is found to be convenient.
Users will be allowed to take print out of the downloaded material on A4 size paper @ Rs. 5/-(five) per page.
Erasing the history of browsing from the computer by users is strictly prohibited.
The speakers of the PCs will remain disabled.
Using/ downloading of messenger facilities for chatting are strictly prohibited.
Though browsing and consulting e-resources – both subscribed and open access – is allowed, the facility should not be misused for purely personal reasons like writing personal emails; interacting on the social media or matrimonial sites; filling up e-applications; booking tickets; online trading in the share market; systematic downloading; chatting; watching commercial movies. Any kind of online transaction is strictly prohibited.
The concerned user will be wholly responsible for any kind of misuse of e-mail during his allotted period.
The AIIMS, Kalyani Library or the assistants or any Government of India employee will not be responsible for such misuse.
Mobile phones should either be switched off or should be on a silent mode and speaking on mobiles is not permitted within the E-resource Centre.